Willow Class - Reception
We are the Reception class. Our aim is to provide a nurturing atmosphere for your child to begin their learning journey. The provision in the classroom and our outdoor area encourages learning through play and developing vital social skills.
In the Autumn term, our learning revolves around the topic of houses and homes, learning about families including pets, how homes are different around our village and the wider world and how they have changed over time. We love sharing stories. Our key book for the first term is The Tiger Who Came to Tea. In the Spring term we learn about toys with a focus on bears, the history of the teddy bear and some famous bears including Winnie the Pooh. Our key texts are The Piano and the Bear and We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. We look at the changes in seasons and weather with the story When will it be Spring? In the Summer term, the theme for our learning is the seaside. We learn about the seaside now and in the past and animals that live in the seas and oceans. We deepen our learning with a visit to an aquarium or the seal sanctuary.
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please send your child in their PE kits and ensure jewellery is removed and long hair is tied back.
We encourage daily phonics practice at home and reading at least 3 times a week. Please record this in your child’s reading diary. Home tasks are sent regularly to encourage learning at home to complement what we are doing in school. These are sent via Class Dojo announcements and it is appreciated if photos or responses to show completion of these tasks are sent on Dojo messages.
We spend time outdoors whatever the weather so please send suitable clothing eg. Hats and gloves for cold days, sunscreen and hats for hotter days. Thank you
Keep up-to-date with our learning progress on our Class Dojo blog.
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(4 days a week) |
(1 day a week-Friday) |