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So how does our Curriculum Vision become a reality? Find out about the teaching of RSHE at our school here.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development.  At Ingham Primary School we want all of our pupils to understand the characteristics of safe, positive and healthy relationships, which might be with friends, family or other adults.  We wish to give pupils the opportunity to learn about how to assess risks and keep themselves safe from harm.  We want our pupils to develop the knowledge and skills to make positive, healthy choices, look after themselves and others, and importantly, to keep safe as they develop through life and into adulthood.  Pupils will be prepared for the changes of adolescence to ensure they are equipped to manage these effectively.  All of this is set within and compliments the morals and values of our school.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) curriculum also incorporates money and work, media literacy, digital resilience and belonging to a community.  We understand that for children to achieve academically they need to be able to recognize and manage their own physical and mental health. To support this, we provide pupils with opportunities to reflect on their own well-being and development within PSHE lessons and across our wider curriculum.  We are passionate about our community and use class assembly and PSHE time to explicitly teach our pupils what it means to be a part of a community and how we can help ourselves and others.  We want our children to be ambitious and develop an understanding of money and employment future.   

Our key aims are to teach our pupils the key skills to keep themselves safe and for them to be respectful to themselves and recognize the equality of all. 

At Ingham Primary School we have taken a thematic approach to primary PSHE education, covering all three core themes of the Programme of Study (Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; and Living in the Wider World) over the school year, with three topics per half term. This approach allows different year groups to work on similar themes at the same time, building a spiral programme year on year, whilst offering flexibility in terms of medium-term planning.  We carry out the main RSHE teaching through our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education curriculum which is delivered through half-termly theme days and during weekly class assembly time.  However, well-being, diversity and personal development is also woven through our whole curriculum., The planning and delivery of the programme is undertaken by the class teacher. Teachers take a balanced, non-judgmental approach to delivery acknowledging that there are many different views and values around relationships, sex, drugs and other issues.  Teachers will use a range of teaching methods and age-appropriate resources to deliver RSHE/PSHE that best meets the intended learning outcomes for each year group.  Each year cohorts vary so teachers will use their knowledge of the class and their professional expertise to select resources and activities that are most suitable.

We work in partnership with pupils, parents and carers to offer all pupils a planned programme of education about human development, healthy relationships of all kinds, sexuality and family life which is developmental and appropriate to the age and maturity of the child.   In our provision of RSHE and PSHE we will explore the diverse families that are represented in our school and in wider society, including same sex parents, single parents, adopted families, fostering, children living with grandparents and so on.  Our resources and teaching reflect this diversity to ensure every pupil feels included and valued.  We actively challenge stereotypes around gender through RSHE, PSHE and our wider curriculum and school ethos.  Our RSE curriculum is designed to teach sexuality within a moral framework emphasising stable relationships and family life.  All teachers will deliver RSHE/PSHE in a safe way ensuring that all pupils feel able to participate and contribute.  To support this each class creates a group agreement outlining expected behaviour, rights and responsibilities within PSHE and RSHE sessions. 

As with all curriculum areas there will be assessment in RSHE/PSHE to ensure that pupils are achieving the intended learning outcomes.  Teachers will assess pupils’ learning at the end of each half term.  This assessment will be in different forms and may involve quizzes, work samples, observation of role-play, pictures, and so on.


  • RSHE and PSHE is accessible for all pupils
  • Pupils develop a positive view of themselves and to respect others
  • Pupils understand that they have rights over their bodies 
  • Pupils can recognise pressure in all its forms and have strategies to resist this
  • Pupils have the knowledge and skills to recognise and manage risks and keep themselves safe, in real life and online
  • Pupils understand what helps to keep their bodies and minds healthy and things they can do to improve their health and wellbeing
  • Pupils have the knowledge and skills to recognise and manage their mental and emotional well-being. 
  • Pupils understand their changing bodies before the changes occur.  
  • Pupils understand what it means to be part of a community
  • Pupils begin to develop an understanding of money and employment
  • To provide opportunities for all students to learn appropriate to their needs


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