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So how does our Curriculum Vision become a reality? Find out about the teaching of Science at our school here.

At Ingham Primary School we aim to develop pupils' natural curiosity and encourage them to confidently explore and discover the world around them, so that they develop a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Through our practical and enjoyable curriculum we aim to inspire and excite our children and foster a thirst for knowledge.

The teaching of science will promote and develop transferable knowledge through observation, communication and teamwork and allow mathematical skills to be applied.

We follow units of work in line with the National Curriculum. These clearly identify the key vocabulary and knowledge to be taught each term. These units have been devised to ensure progression and opportunity for revisiting learning and deepening experiences. Knowledge organisers share the learning with the children and these are used and referred to throughout the unit so that children understand what they are learning and why. Practical investigations including fair testing, over time and classification are built into the units along with explicit teaching of scientific skills.

Children will make at least expected progress if they are following the units. Mini quizzes from the knowledge organisers and a range of activities at the beginning and end of units will share that knowledge has been retained and application will show a deeper understanding.